Customizing your project theme using Themeroller

Theme customization using Themeroller

If you are trying to customize the look of your theme, we can easily do that with the themeroller.

Left side shows the Theme setting, where we can customize and also see the properties added to the theme components.

We also see different swatches like A, B, C and their corresponding theme settings below. We also have + (Add icon) after the last swatch, which allows us to add more swatch to our theme. Click any of the swatch tab, and then you can delete/edit or duplicate options for the swatch.

The right side has the color palette, which can be used to customize our theme look and mid section shows the them.

We can drag and drop the color from the color palette to the various section of the swatch. Once we are done with the changes, we can download the zipped file.
Attached an image below..

We also get one instruction dialog on how to add the customized theme to our project.

That’s all about creating your custom theme, Cheers !!

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